Thanks to our sponsors!
Writing and publishing 300-page textbooks with hundreds of photos and graphics was not only a challenge in terms of time, but also financially. In addition, the books should not only be of great help to readers in terms of content, now, but also for as long as possible.
The books therefore had to be printed on good paper that would retain its colour brilliance for many years and be made with a high-quality binding. These books are to be used for many years and passed on to younger colleagues. We also wanted the book to be produced as locally and climate-neutrally as possible. The fact that we are able to bring these books to life in this way is thanks to the kind support of our sponsors, who financially support the production of the books through advertisements.
Many thanks to all our sponsors and to our printer blömeke!
Hartmut & Dustin Seidich

A look back!
The support of suppliers to the shoemaking trade, such as leather suppliers, manufacturers of lasts, tools, sewing and sharpening machines and others, is by no means new or unusual, but has a long tradition.
After all, preserving the craft and passing on expertise is ultimately beneficial for everyone.
As early as the end of the 19th century, suppliers supported the printing of the first specialised books for our craft. Not only in Germany, e.g. the outstanding books by H. Franke or Emil-Robert-Knoefel, but also in English technical literature, such as that published by Halford Publishing Co LTD.

Historical adverts from specialist shoe and orthopaedic shoemaking literature